April 18, 2010

Dante's Parilla

Well, the Pierce family has not been blogging for the last week because most members have been feeling under the weather with a flu that just will not let go.  We're all walking around with snot flying from our noses and warm foreheads.  Robert stayed out of the office two days last week and Rory stayed out of school for some time.  Mira and Caedryn are faring somewhat better.

Anyway, the influenza microbes are not preventing us from partying.  Yesterday we went to a birthday party held for Uma Schwartz at the home of her parents.  The puppet show and the Hello Kitty cake were  the highlights.

Today we went a bit out of town to a neighboring city where Dante Pusiol held the first annual Novadios parilla at the home of his parents.  That was quite nice as we relaxed on the patio, ate grilled meats, Rory took a swim, and the boys played one hole of golf from the tee just a few feet from the swimming pool.  This is the life.

More photos can be found here.

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