March 13, 2009

Rory's Height, Weight

Here's Robert III's height and weight milestones over his first year:
At six months: He was 27 1/4" tall and weighed 15 pounds and 7 oz.
At nine months: We skipped that dr's appt.
At twelve months: He was 30 1/4" tall and weighed 18 pounds and 12 oz. (This appointment preceded his actual birthday by a few weeks however. The way he has been eating, he must be past 19 pounds by now).
Already light years ahead of his birth weight at 7 pounds, 6 oz. and 14(?)" long.

March 11, 2009

Rory's First Words

You have a habit of whispering but I think I have discerned the words "dis" and "dat" accompanying your keen pointer finger doing what it does best. You are inspired a lot by the large round lamp above the dining room table. You have also begun to slap your palms against your head while you're eating, which leaves a crinkly coating on your hair. You also slap mommy's chest while nursing, a habit I discourage by clasping your hand in mine but which you counter by scratching my fingers with your nails. You are much more vocal about what you like and don't like at mealtimes, indicating by a closed-teeth scream that rises in pitch in just such a way to start a headache, that you don't like anything that is green or leafy. You are especially gracious if given Oatios, peanut butter-and-bagels, or fruit. Bananas are the nuclear option and guarantee that nothing else will be acceptable at that particular sitting.

Rory at One

Dear Rory: You had a big blow-out birthday party on Feb. 28 which the adults all enjoyed. It was also your dad's birthday so we sang a song for both of you. Perhaps it was the anticlimactic feelings you were battling after all that anticipation that made you swat at Paige, the only baby girl guest at your party, while you were both sitting on the play mat. Anyway you don't appear to like groups that much and even turned down cake. You did, however, show your new skill at pointing.

March 6, 2009

Cool Flash Implementation

I don't know what this is all about, but it is getting rave reviews in Robert's circles.

March 1, 2009


We sold our second car this week!  We needed to get rid of that thing.  Now, of course, Robert has nothing to drive.  He's already on the lookout for something new: