"He looks just like Bob." That's the first thing out of the mouth of anyone who meets Robert III. Yes, he looks like me. We've been looking at old baby photos, and at this point RIII looks even more like RII than RII did when RII was RIII's age. If you follow that.
This weekend turned out to be pretty uneventful, other than some drinks on Friday night at the Serpentine, where we sat at the bar and chatted with all the other parents who had kids there. And there were a lot. Seems to be a phenomenon here in SF. Babies in bars. I guess it is new. In any event, I had never noticed it before. When you don't have one, you don't see them, I guess. I felt sorry for all the single people sitting around having to put up with diaper bags, strollers and goo-goo talk.
On Saturday we went over to the Penikis's for a barbeque. Gunar is the grill master. Again, more babies and talk about babies. Phadra Penikis is already walking at 9 months. RIII needs to get a move on.
Today it was church, breakfast in the Inner Sunset and then some open houses on the hill. Nothing too exciting in that department. We are not looking seriously until we can get the condo rented and figure out something wrt career. RIII was a Sheriff today. Don't misbehave, or he'll be forced to use his six-shooter.